Friday, December 18, 2009

Advent of Trust #17; He likes me....

Our small group has been reading through a book by Bruce Wilkinson called "Secrets of the Vine." We read a chapter a week and then discuss it when we come together again.

This week we were talking about really abiding in God's presence. He talks about how abiding isn't doing more for God. Abiding is about a relationship, the most important friendship in our lives. In our world it is so hard for us to stop doing and just be.

It takes letting go of our control and letting God take over. The world will go on without us, believe it or not!

But how many of us really want to let go of that control? Especially if we feel that God doesn't like us?

"If our need for this relationship [a deep, abiding friendship] is so deep and constant, why do so few of us fervently pursue it? One of the primary reasons, I'm convinced, is that we don't really believe God likes us. Sure, we believe God loves us in a theological sense (God loves everybody, right?), but we don't feel particularly like by Him. We're convinced that He remembers all the bad things we've done in the past and is quick to judge how we're doing now. We assume He's impatient, busy with more important things, and reluctant to spend time with us. Why would you want to spend time with a person who felt that way about you?"

I know there were so many times in the past that I have had struggles with how I feel God views me. It's more because of how I viewed myself, and I assumed that God viewed me the same way.

It isn't as bad anymore. There are many days where I feel very secure with God, knowing that He loves me and likes me. He created me (and you) and delights in us. As that has sunk into my head and heart, it has become more of a part of me.

There are still times when I don't find myself hanging onto that. There are times when I feel that God is not liking me very much and holding past offenses, past sins against me. The old thoughts, the old lies take over.

But when I look at the past and what God has done for me, I remember to trust in His care for me, His love for me and that He not only likes me, but delights in me.


Laura said...

I really needed to hear this today, Heather. We still struggle at church and I have been finding myself so angry. When I let go and invest in my trust in Him, it all melts away.

I'm sorry I've been away so long. How have you been, my friend?

Paula said...

I love this Heather. I agree totally in that we believe that God doesn't like us. This is because we don't like ourselves to begin with. We have to see ourselves as God does; as a father who only wants what is best for His child, and can see the potential to become more than we are. I'm off FB for a while to concentrate more on Him, so back to blogging I go! xo