Yet, there are so many ways in which we are so unique.
That's what makes our friendship so exciting.
We get each other.
Understand each other.
We learn from each other, growing together.
God has orchestrated our meeting from eternity past.
God has knit our lives and hearts together in ways we don't even grasp.
We have walked through some pretty dark valleys together.
We have walked along some crazily steep paths together.
We have stood on the amazing mountain tops, gasping at the possibilities together.
You have upheld me, prayed for me, cried with me, danced on the streets with me, worshiped with me.
You have shared your life and heart with me. Opened your home as a haven to me. Talked with me for hours on the phone to help me through a horrible day. Known it was me calling, when I was crying too hard to even say hi. Laughed with me till we could hardly breathe, so hard we were in tears.... Stayed up late with me (even when you never, hardly ever, stay up late at all).
Slowly, as God has been growing me, I have felt like I should give something back...
As if I should repay...
But how can you repay something that was given freely?
Do you repay the gift of love, the gift of grace?
Can I repay God for His love, His grace?
Not really, that was a free gift.
Like your love to me.
Free and unrestrained.
So, I can't repay, but I can respond in kind.
I will share my life and my heart with you. I will open my home as a haven to you. I will stay on the phone with you for hours if you need me to help you through a horrible day. I will know it is you calling, even if you are crying too hard to say hi. I will laugh with you till I can hardly breathe, so hard I am in tears. I will stay up late with you (even if you never, hardly ever, stay up late at all).
I will uphold you.... using God's mighty Word.
I will pray for you.... and have been.
I will cry with you.... already have today.
I will dance on the streets with you.... as we see God answer prayers - even when it isn't the way we expect or might want.
I will worship with you.... worship our mighty King, who knows, so much more than we ever could, what is the best for us.
I will walk with you. I will ask the hard questions. I will listen to the hard questions you might have. I too, do not have all the answers, but I know the One who does.
He is the God of compassion, the God of all comfort.
He is Jehovah - Rapha, the God who heals.
He is our provider, our helper, our protector, our shield and shelter.
He is the One who has moved mountains.
He moved incredible mountains in my life.
He still is.
He can move this one too, for you.
When you hurt, I hurt...
But even more than that....
He hurts too. Jesus weeps with us. He sees every tear that falls. He hears us when we call, even when it doesn't seem like it.
He answered my pleas from years ago... prayers I prayed for 10 years....
God has orchestrated our meeting from eternity past.
God has knit our lives and hearts together in ways we don't even grasp.
I am forever grateful that He answered my prayers.
That He answered them with you.

Win a free copy of Scot McKnight's book, "The Real Mary: Why Evangelical Christians Can Embrace the Mother of Jesus." Interested? See L. L. Barkat's post, "Did I Really Pray That?"