I took the plunge.
I am wavering on the edge no longer.
I made the decision, and then notified the people in the "need to know."
Now I can share here.
I have been in Wausau Lyric Choir the past 7 years. It has been an incredible experience for me. They sing sacred music, and are dedicated to making beautiful music together, that truly honors and glorifies God. The music we made together, the friendships I made there, the way God has spoken to me through the music, have sustained me, upheld me through some very difficult seasons in my life. (see this post as to how God used a song the Pilgrim's Hymn to help me and encouraging me)
I have been more than blessed to be a part of this incredible group.
I am extremely sad to be leaving.
I know that God has something for me, better than I could ever imagine.
But I am really crying and mourning the end of this season in my life. I hope to be back next fall, singing again... God willing.
But for now, I am thinking of the music we made together, and the wonderful feeling of the music and harmonies nearly transporting my heart and soul to the rafters of the church and beyond, last spring.
The joy of being able to sing to my Creator "Be thou my vision, oh Lord of my heart. Be all else but naught to me, save that thou art. Be though my best thought in the day and the night. Both waking and sleeping, thy Presence my light."
To finally stop focusing on me, and the struggles of the past years and allow God to do a major healing, in that concert alone, it was nothing short of a miracle. He opened me up to start daring to dream even more about what He could do with my abilities to write, speak and sing.
I don't know what that is yet, but maybe that is the reason behind having to get out of choir now. I need to make some room for what God has planned for me.

Goodbyes are never easy for me either, Heather. I'm so thankful that this group has been with you through those dark times and upheld you. He provides, doesn't He?
I can't wait to see what this next page of your life holds! I"m excited for you, my friend! Above and beyond. Above and beyond.
Oh awesome Heather, as it will be exciting to sit and watch what God will do through you and for you. GLORY TO GOD!
Goodbyes are so hard...Had a free night to blog hop and enjoyed yours. Hope you will stop by new Christmas blog ...There is a great giveaway that I will draw for on Oct 1st and all you need to do to enter is comment. Hope you have a great weekend.
Hello, I've been away for awhile. Praying that all things are well.
Here is my new blog address:
Blessings, Cindy
I'm look forward to seeing the plans that God has in mind for you.
Love the line that you quoted from that song.
"Be Thou my best thought in the day and the night."
Sweet dreams.
Heather, praying for you as you take this leap of faith...
It's a big step, Heather, to let go of something we love!
I had to step down out of women's ministry a few years back, and I didn't understand why. Now, years later, I can look back and see God's purpose, as He shifted me into writing.
Excited to see what God had in store for you next!
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