I long to sit down and write out all the thoughts I have had. All the things I have felt God telling me. The struggles and successes. I have wanted to write more about She Speaks, finish sharing what God did for me Saturday night, and on Sunday. There are a couple of key things there.
I have been trying to get a little boy and his mom ready for Kindergarten.
My son, Peter, has started Kindergarten this week. He was in 4k last year, it was only a few days a week, and a small school, so it didn't bother me much.
This year is different. We have had to get up much earlier, get going sooner, get him to school, to a bigger school, and I have walked him down to his room the first two days, but to get both of us used to it, today I left him at the doors, and let him walk to the room himself.
He was OK with it, and didn't fight it at all. He gave me a hug when we got inside the doors, and then headed down the hall, I walked out through the first set of doors, and looked back. As he headed down the hall, he looked back and gave me a wave and smile and he was off.
I cried all the way home.
The other days were fine.
I mean I was a bit sad.
But I was more excited for him.
Today hit me.
I have no idea what this year will hold for him. I have no idea how he will take to school. I know he is a bright little boy, and learns things quickly. He picks up on so much, so fast and is so observant.
I am praying for God's guidance and protection for him. For Christian friends for him. For good teachers... for a deeper yearning for God, so that his faith really becomes HIS.
Please pray for us as we make transitions here. This mommy is used to late nights, being able to be up till all hours, for the whole summer, and this switch to needing to get up and out the door early, and then be functional for the rest of the day..... this is for the birds!!!!! :)
Pray that I would be able to continue to take the time to listen to God. I want to seek Him, to have Him show me how to have healthy patterns of rest and work in my life, and to help my kids have that too. I want God to show me how to better take care of myself through good food, and adequate rest/sleep.
Pray that my hubby and I will stay united, that we will love each other more with each passing day, that God will be the center of our relationship always. Pray that the busyness in our lives won't take over and we won't let ourselves "drift" apart as the busy years really come at us now.
I guess the best and only thing I could ask for is prayer for all of us. My heart is sore tonight from seeing my boy off and on his way. I am more tired now than I ever thought I could be, and it is very easy to let my guard down, and the enemy can sneak in subtly, or not so subtly!
Thank you for your love and prayers, and your willingness to keep up with me, wait on me, and have patience with my interrupted stories.

I am totally patient so take your time! I know just how you feel about your little guy going off to school. Been there done that, 4 times. It was particularly difficult with my last child.
I also agree about getting up early and out the door while remaining functional for the rest of the day ... "for the birds" couldn't have said it better lol. I will be forced to change my schedule, I promised my boys a ride to school every day so they don't have to ride the cheese, at least until we can get Blake a car ... not sure if or when that will happen so I guess it's early ups for me :)
Hang in there, it gets easier. Prayers for you
When I took my oldest to Kindergarten, I had my middle in the stroller, and was pregnant with the third!! We walked him to his class, dropped him off, and as I turned the stroller around and walked away I had this completely involuntary crying fit that I couldn't have stopped if I had tried. I wasn't even as sad as all that - thrilled for him - but there was something of the Mom in me who just knew that this was a chapter ending, turning of a page - you know the drill. But I will tell you that as one who used to be a night owl, I have become healthier, happier, less emotional, and better equipped to help my kids as I have disciplined myself to go to bed NEVER after 11 and usually between 9.30-10. I still have a baby who is occasionally up during the night, so I try to go that early since we have to get up by 7 to get all 3 of the 4 kids ready for school. My encouragement to you is to slowly, incrementally move your bedtime back. You will be amazed at how much more human you feel, how much more able you feel to take on the day, and how much your short temper [if you have one - I CERTAINLY DO!] will be controllable if you have enough rest.
I'm just sayin'.
What you have to say is worth waiting for! I will be praying for you and your family.
Hey, Heather! I saw where you were following my blog and came by to say thanks and to visit! I saw lots of my bloggyland buddies over here!
I love your blog! You are so open and sharing! Thanks for recapping She Speaks...I just loved it! You reminded me of things I had not made notes about!
I missed the Beth Moore sim.--we had a cross country meet the next morning in Charlotte and left at the crack of dawn! So glad that you had a wonderful time, and that God met you where He needed you...at the alter. Beth is amazing! Can't wait to hear about Esther.
Everything will go great for your kindergartener! I used to teach K5and it was so much fun!!!
I'll be back soon to visit!
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