"Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture. Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart."
Psalm 37:3-4
This was the bible verse I picked out as my scripture memory verse for September 1st. I have needed it.
School started on the first.
Awana starts for the kids on the 9th.
Next week starts my bible study.
We went to Milwaukee this past weekend for a "last blast" of fun with the kids. We got to enjoy some great weather. A trip to the Milwaukee zoo and to a beach along Lake Michigan rounded out the busy weekend. The kids had a blast and so did we, but I am still reeling from the busyness of it all.
Then as things seemed to start going wrong, yesterday I found myself back into old, bad habits. It never fails. I get going so well, I feel that there has been a break through somewhere in my life, or relationships, and then I fall so fast. Of course the enemy is right there to attack and try to cause us to stumble unless we are on the lookout. He wants to get in there and steal our joy.
I have been reminded today, from 2 sources to trust in the Lord, and to not lean on my own understanding.
Lo and behold, as I went back to my scripture verse, guess what? The very first line it says, Trust in the Lord and do good. Gee, you think God was on to something when He impressed on me to work on this verse?
I haven't done the greatest with this lately. I have worried and bothered about all sorts of things. My husband said that it was ok for me to do soem new things this year. He wants the kids to be in Awana.. which is great, but it is another thing to add it. I want to be in Wausau Lyric Choir, which I have been in since 2002. Dave said he was fine with that as long as I didn't complain when he picked up extra hours at work, if it interfered with some of my plans, etc.
I am adding in a bible study next week, in the mornings, which I can take Marina to, while Peter is in school. I am so looking forward to that......
Oh, and did I mention that I have applied for a job at our church and interviews will probably be starting at the end of the month?!
Hmmm. So I look at my schedule, and I start to worry.
Trust in the Lord.
This time of busyness, the time of my son being in school, things that I am doing, the ramped up activities, while none are bad, stress me out. But these things, and the house that I want to take care of, and my husband, whom I don't ever want to push to the background, is the land in which I live. I need to dwell in the land.
That means to me that I have to really settle down here and not wish for another time, or a way around the difficulties. I can enjoy this as safe pasture. God is with me here. It is safe. It is where He has placed me and He wants me to enjoy it.
Then I need to delight myself in the Lord. To really delight, to throw my head back and laugh for the sheer joy of His presence.
When was the last time we did that?
Trusting in Him
Doing good
These are the things that we should be doing. These are the things we should be pointing our souls to. These are the things that will give us peace and the joy that we truly long for.
It isn't easy. My temperament tends towards the melancholy. I tend to get too introspective and miss the joy around me. I tend to forget what it is to so delight in God that the very desires of my heart match up with His.
He will give me the desires of my heart. I need to ask and pray and trust Him. He only wants to give good things to His children. Even if I pray and I don't see any results, He is there, He listens, He cares and He delights over us.
I just need to be patient and wait.
That's the hardest part isn't it?
In the wait, He asks us to do these things...
Are those words part of your vocabulary?
They are starting to become mine.
More so as I memorize this scripture and really meditate on it.
"Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture. Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart."
Psalm 37:3-4

Trust, Dwell, Enjoy, Delight
are words that bring thoughts of good things to my mind...they
are words that I, too, want in my vocabulary!
Thanks for sharing your insights as you are meditating on this verse.
I just love every bit of this post! I am trusting, enjoying and delighting in Him today and every day!
I love these thoughts.
Where we are right now. Live. Love. Share. Obey.
Sweet dreams.
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