Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Series "interrupt-us"

Everyone, I am so sorry that I have been so lax at continuing all that happened at She Speaks. It was incredible, I am still processing, and life has had a way of taking over everything this week.

I woke with a horrible headache this morning, and it never really went away.
I went back to bed when my hubby got up, because I couldn't function.
I slept till noon.
I got up and pretended to be functional while my kids played around me and I stared off into space.
Then after I finally stirred myself to make the kids supper (I couldn't eat, my stomach was still too sick from the headache) we went for a walk.
I didn't go far, just to a neighbors a few blocks away.
She and I sat and talked while the kids played in her back yard....
...until Peter got hit in the nose with something, panicked and bled all over the place.

We came home once his nose stopped bleeding, I built a fire in our fire pit, and settled down out there with the kids, till it was way past their bedtime, but the stars had come out and they were thrilled to look up and see so many of them.

They went to bed, I went back outside for a bit longer, and now am heading to bed to try to keep this headache from getting worse.

I know that my Thursday will be very busy, but I hope to get back to the series again, God willing, tomorrow. Otherwise it might not be till the weekend!!! (Yikes, sorry about that)

Sometimes that is just the way life is.... it seems to interrupt us.

God, please help me through tomorrow and the rest of this week. You know what it is all going to look like. You know exactly what I need for each day. Please bless the coming days with sweet times of fellowship, joyful times with my family, and precious time with You, Lord. Thank You for Your strengthening power... sustaining me, and all of us, all our days. I love you, Amen.


Kelly L said...

I hope tomorrow is a better day and headache free - it is so hard to function - take care of a family when you are feeling poorly. God be with you.

Danielle said...

Hope you are feeling better today!

Question... where did you get your SS Graduate Button/banner from?

Beth Herring said...

Praying that you will feel restored today and refreshed in the Lord.

Laura said...


I've been catching up on your SheSpeaks series...

I'm on the edge of my seat! Oh, how I wish I made it this year. Just to meet you, friend! It sounds like it was lifechanging. I can't wait to hear more.


Cindy said...

The Suddenlies of life are many times the toughest. I am praying for you my dear friend.
Love you,