Monday, March 17, 2008

The weekend on the outside...

How do I describe this weekend?

The kids were good. Peter spent the day on Saturday with me. We went shopping and just had a good time together. That night we played and just had a good evening together. He even surprised me and chose to go to church with me, over going with the grandparents to a pancake feed!

Sunday morning he was really good in church, until after the service when I tried to talk to people. Then he started pulling on my hand or clothes (whatever was available at the moment) to try to get me to head out the door. He knew we were going to the farm.

When I walked in the door of the farm, Marina came running to me saying “Mommy!” and then showed me the “pretties” in her hair. It was the first time that she has worn barettes, and she was extremely excited! I played with the kids there, and then went home to rest up before my choir rehearsal that night.

So, all in all it sounds like a normal weekend.

Dave worked all weekend, I had fun with Peter, Marina gave me a warm greeting. The church service was good. I got to talk to a few people. I went to choir and had a decent time singing. Even had a few laughs. Then I came home to my husband and kids, got Peter to bed, settled Marina down, talked to and snuggled with my husband before bed. And I actually slept last night.

A decent end to a decent weekend. Normal. Run of the mill.

Or was it?

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